Ο χορός στα αρχαία ελληνικά κείμενα
23 Μαΐου 201901. Dance Day 2019
The theme for choreographies this year is Dance and Spirituality. Post your event at the official Dance Day website
You will find ideas also at https://sites.google.com/site/danceandreligionacr/europe/france
Ignore other Dance Days promoted by commercial interests. There is only one official Dance Day for all forms of dance.
02. New CID Section in France
Announcing the founding of the Saint-Germain-en-Laye Section CID whose President is Ms. Julia Lozovaya-Benetti.
03. New CID Section in India
Announcing the founding of the Bengaluru Section CID whose President is Ms. Sanaz Bakhtiari. Bengaluru is the new name for Bangalore.
04. Natale di Roma event
Revival of Ancient Rome with dances, exhibition, shows, reenactment, battles and parade in the main streets of Rome. www.gruppostoricoromano.it
05. CID International Certification
From kindergarten to university a student receives a document stating she has followed classes. Dance schools should do likewise – dance is a subject as serious as any other. There should be no teaching without a valid document.
06. CID Panorama
Send your events to be posted at the global portal for dance events, with millions of visitors. Write country, state, region, city, for classification in the right location. www.panorama.cid-portal.org
07. CID insignia
Wear your CID insignia (pin or pendant) at all occasions; ask for a replacement if you have lost it. Use the CID logo only on your business card, website, Facebook page, school entrance – always next to your title Member of the CID, never separately.