Η τέχνη του Χορού σαν µέσο θεραπείας
18 Ιουλίου 2019Δελτίο Χορού Σεπτέμβριος 2019
25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019“Barcelona Dance Award” in Spain from 9 to 13 April 2020 during Easter Spring Time.
and “Dance Grand Prix”, in Italy (Rome, Venice, Florence) from 22 to 26 June 2020 during Summer Time.
all web info on: www.barcelonadance.org
The Dance World Championship for Dance Schools, Companies and Groups from all over.
Events for Dance, Ballet, Contemporary, Modern, Hip Hop and each other kind of dance art, Dance
Team Showcases, Workshop Opportunities & International Dance Competitions.
..in order to be the protagonist of a great Spain Dance TOURNÉES!
To find out how to qualify, mail the office: in this year space has been limited and many groups
have failed to register, so Directors should act right away for next 2020Year.
For Program and Fee: