Butoh and ancient Greek dance
7 October 2017
Spanish Dance: The Art of Passion
22 November 2017- CID General Assembly
All CID Members are invited to the elective General Assembly. Venue: Old Parliament House, Athens, Sunday 17 December 2017. Candidates can present their list. Schools can offer International Certification at the special awarding ceremony. Send proxy if you cannot attend. http://faliro.section.cid-world.org/proxy/
- Silver pendant of CID
Dance School Directors offering International Certification will be awarded the solid silver pendant of CID featured at
- Dance stamps by the United Nations
A second set of stamps devoted to dance in the world – the first set was issued in 2016 for lnternational Dance Day. To order them go to http://unstamps.un.org; call +1800-234-8672; email unpanyinquiries@un.org
- Competition in Riga, Latvia
International Dance Olympiad 2018 invites participants from all countries.
- Children folk festival in Skopje, FYRO Macedonia
International children folk festival “Flowers 2017”, 23-27 November 2017, invites participants from all countries.
- International dance disability festival, Greece
Karditsa, Grecce, 18-20 Μay 2018. Open to participants from all countries.
- Competition of young dance performers, Slovenia
Open to dancers born between 1994 and 2003, solos and duets choreographed by the performing dancers. Dancers must reside outside Slovenia.
- Dance scientists
More than 1,000 CID Members bear the title of Doctor and/or Professor. They present their work at CID World Congresses: www.cid-portal.org/cdr They post publications at: writings.orchesis-portal.org They find resources at: orchesis-portal.org
The CID Circular is sent every month to all Members of the CID and over 20,000 other dance professionals in 200 countries.