ORCHESIS-Texts on ancient Greek dance
14 July 2017Quotations by ancient Greek writers and poets on dance
Appendix of the book ‘Orchesis‘.
Illustrated with photos on ancient Greek dance
Available also on CD which comprises both (book and appendix).
Aeschylus (525-456/4 BC): Eumenides
Aeschylus (525-456/4 BC): The Persians
Aeschylus (525-456/4 BC): Prometheus Bound
Aeschylus (525-456/4 BC): The Suppliants
Anonymous: “Calliope discovered the art of heroic song”
Anonymous: Anon. de lyricis poets No. 7
Anth. Pal. (980 PC): “there set up the splendid chorus to the goddess”
Apollodorus (180-120 BC): “Frenzied dance, of the mad daughters of Proetus”
Aristophanes (420-380 BC): Birds, 410 BC
Aristophanes (420-380 BC): The Clouds (563-74)
Aristophanes (420-380 BC): The Frogs
Aristophanes (420-380 BC): The Knights, 420 BC
Aristophanes (420-380 BC): Lysistrata, 410 BC
Aristophanes (420-380 BC): Peace, 420 BC
Aristophanes (420-380 BC): Wasps (1475-1536)
Aristotle (384-322 BC): On Philosophy
Aristotle (384-322 BC): Poetics
Aristotle (384-322 BC): Problems
Aristotle (384-322 BC): Rhetoric
Atilius Fortunatianus (4th c. A.D.): “In early times the songs composed for the gods”
Callimachus (300-240 BC): To Apollo, Hymn II 80-7, 93
Anonymous: Etymologicum Magnum
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): Andromache
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): The Bacchantes
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): The Cyclops, 423 BC
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): Electra (465-9)
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): Electra
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): Hecuba
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): The Heracleidae, 429 BC
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): Heracles
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): Ion (1074-1089)
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): Iphigenia in Tauris
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): The Phoenissae
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): The Suppliants
Euripides (485/4-406 BC): The Trojan Women
The Homeric Hymns and Homerica (8-7th c. BC): III. To Delian Apollo, 140-164
The Homeric Hymns and Homerica (8-7th c. BC): To Pythian Apollo, 11-25
The Homeric Hymns and Homerica (8-7th c. BC): IV. To Hermes 436-462 (ll. 463-495)
The Homeric Hymns and Homerica (8-7th c. BC): V. To Aphrodite 7-32; 106-142 (ll. 247-290)
The Homeric Hymns and Homerica (8-7th c. BC): VI. To Aphrodite (21 Lines) (ll. 1-18)
The Homeric Hymns and Homerica (8-7th c. BC) : XV. To Heracles The Lion-Hearted 1-8 (l. 9)
The Homeric Hymns And Homerica (8-7th c. BC): XIX. To Pan 1-26
The Homeric Hymns And Homerica (8-7th c. BC) : XXVII. To Artemis 1-20; 21-22
Homer (800-700 BC) : Iliad XVIII.484-9; XVIII.590-606
Homer (800-700 BC) : Iliad III Homer (800-700 BC) : Odyssey I 150; 150 ff
Homer (800-700 BC) : Odyssey IV. 17- 19
Homer (800-700 BC) : Odyssey VI. 99 ff; VI. 155-7
Homer (800-700 BC) : Odyssey VIII 248 ff; VIII 258 ff
Homer (800-700 BC) : Odyssey XIV. 463 ff
Homer (800-700 BC) : Odyssey XVII. 463 ff
The Homeric Hymns and Homerica (8-7th c. AD): Odyssey XVIII. 193 ff
Homer (800-700 BC): Odyssey XXIII. 131 ff
Horace 65-8 BC: Odes and Carmen Saeculare of Horace
Julian the Apostate (331-363 AD): Hymn to King Helios I46a-d
Pseudo-Julian (ca. 320 AD): Letter 74, 42 i a-b
Libanius (314-393 AD): Oratio XI 29; LI 21; LXIV 12;
Lucian (120-180 AD): On the dance
Lysias (445 BC): The Orations of Lysias
Marius Victorinus (4th c. AD): The ancients sang the praises…
Mesomedes (2nd c. AD): Hymn to Helios 1-25
Nonnos (ca. 450 AD): Dionysiaca V 100-12
Orphic Hymns (2nd c. AD): To the Horae XLIII 1-9 Dr.
Sappho (613-570 BC): To Atthis
Sophocles (497/6-405 BC): Antigone
Sophocles (497/6-405 BC): Oedipus the King
Sophocles (497/6-405 BC): Oedipus at Colonus
Sophocles (497/6-405 BC): Trachiniae
Theophrastus (371-287 BC): Characteres ethicae Theophrasti
Xenophon (431-354 BC): Memorabilia
Xenophon (431-354 BC): The Symposium
Xenophon (431-354 BC): Hellenica
Xenophon (431-354 BC): Anabasis
Xenophon (431-354 BC): Agesilaus
Xenophon (431-354 BC): Cyroupaedeia, The education of Cyrus
Xenophon (431-354 BC): The Economist
Pages | 100 |
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